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Welcome to the online California Responsible Beverage Server Program (RBS) offered by Approved Online Provider, Crystal Hartz.

CELL PHONE: 916-931-1750

To start the course, simply click below and proceed through the checkout process.  Once your account has been activated, you will need to complete your profile before you begin the course. No contracts required and all your training and payment information will be stored securely for you. Please note that you need to register for an account before you may "purchase" the course. 

COST: $11.95 per person



If you are purchasing a single course, click HERE RBS COURSE in the main menu to purchase course via a credit card, and create a new account.  Can start immediately by clicking to begin course.


If you are purchasing multiple “codes or usages” for your staff, click HERE BULK COURSES to purchase MULTIPLE COURSES, and you will receive the voucher codes to distribute to your staff to take the course online at no charge for them.

Discounts available or contact provider, Crystal Hartz, for assistance if needed. Cell: (916)-931-1750 or email her at